Tuesday, January 15, 2013

NRA launches iPhone gun-app for 4 year olds, only 3 weeks after Sandy Hook

In a somewhat creepy, and certainly tone-deaf, move, the NRA recently launched an
iPhone game app that kids can use to shoot coffin-like targets.
And the game is rated for kids aged “4+” – meaning, 4 year olds and up. Four year olds? Seriously?
yes seriously, what happened to the help they were going to pour on this tragedy?  instead the pour it into ads designed to indoctrinate your kids into gun use, what are the NRA parents think about that? do they still want to belong to a club that has that type of agenda, cultivating future murderers?
And for any who might think that’s simply the game’s rating, as in “how many stars did reviewers give it,” look at this other shooting game and its rating of “9+”:

The game, called “NRA: Practice Range,” was released on January 9, a little more than three weeks since the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 six- and seven- year-old children were murdered in a spray of gunfire from a legally-bought weapon.
Three weeks later, and the NRA is back is back in the business of peddling guns to kids.  But it’s actually worse than that…    click the link please