Thursday, January 17, 2013

GOP Centrists Eye Central Role in a Divided House

the old guard in line to be next will not allow this their T=P  influence will threaten primarying but if you think about it those who fear that are not really their to serve but to extend the perks they get more directly, they are not there to govern guess that qualifies the nickname "do nothing".

Moderate Republicans are looking for ways to play a decisive role in ad hoc coalitions on divisive fiscal issues in the 113th Congress and devising survival strategies with constituent group allies for the coming 2014 elections.
The efforts are aimed at building on the voting blocs that helped push significant measures through the GOP-controlled House in the past month, despite the objections of conservatives.
Republican moderates such as Reps. Charlie Dent and Tim Murphy, both of Pennsylvania, say they are open to being part of bipartisan coalitions on some issues and are working with supporters to deal with any political fallout from their decision to support the contentious fiscal cliff agreement.

i have to question the sincerity for all we know this could be another wool pulling designed to give appearance of change.  to me right wing change is leaving the republicans behind and not going independent that allows you to play same game with another name. if you keep the name you have not let go of the tenets.