this cannot IMO be about Gay rejection every other branch of gov't has embraced this as most states, are they just bowing to bigotry?
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon late Tuesday night backed up the decision of Army leaders at Fort Bragg in North Carolina not to intervene in the case of a military spouses group that denied membership to the lesbian wife of a servicemember, citing a 2008 policy that has not been revised since "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was repealed in 2011.
this is 2013 wonder what the ethnicity of those who oppose is. and why they have not evolved withe rest of America, why is the pentagon condoning bigotry among the ranks a no resonse is a positive response to those who seek to exclude other American families fighting along side their prejudiced butts.
they need to consider looking at the guy next to you who has your back and he thinking, 'this is the bigoted SOB who's wife denied mine" how safe is that back feeling now, well it should be just as safe only bigots and racist would betray that trust.
The reason cited by an Army spokesman at Fort Bragg: "[F]ederal discrimination laws don't extend to sexual orientation." A Pentagon spokesman added late Tuesday that the Department of Defense "neither drafts, executes nor exercises control over the Club or its governing documents. Private organizations who adhere to the criteria outlined in applicable instructions are allowed base access."
The decision marks a distinct departure from the path announced this past week by the Marines, which will require such groups not to discriminate against same-sex spouses if they wish to operate on military property.
Ben Abel, a spokesman at Fort Bragg, however, said the spouses group is "not in violation of the law in the way that they are operating now."
change the law or find those who oppose are the only one's fighting in wars with those like themselves watching their backs. recognize