Pres has proven his plan works 33 mo. growth, not fast enough you say, that would be because of republican obstruction and refusal to satisfy the Pres. jobs bills because it makes him look good he looked good up front they voted for him twice, by default "we the people" pay the price for their not serious shenanigans.
Pres has proven his plan works 33 mo. growth, not fast enough you say, that would be because of republican obstruction and refusal to satisfy the Pres. jobs bills because it makes him look good he looked good up front they voted for him twice, by default "we the people" pay the price for their not serious shenanigans.
WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner presented a tentative offer from the administration to congressional leaders Thursday to avert the fiscal cliff — but the plan has so far received a chilly reception from Republicans.The offer, the details of which were reported by The New York Times on Thursday, proposes $1.6 trillion in tax hikes over ten years, roughly $400 billion in cuts to entitlement programs such as Medicare, and would withdraw Congress' power to control increases to the federal debt limit.Of the latter provision, Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch told BuzzFeed, "I don't think anybody will agree to that."
"We should come up with an alternative to the debt ceiling," he added, but declined to elaborate.
denying on the face they are not serious if they were they would at least sit down and negotiate not pull a Romney and jump the gun with inadequate info and rushing to judgement and declining to elaborate there has been no specifics by the right wing just broad statements of what they want to "TALK" about, never doing just lip service.
it's clear they do not want "we the people" to have ant perceived advantage over the rich as far as their "gov't gifts"
President Barack Obama has expressed his intent to sign legislation to avert the fiscal cliff only if Congress raises the debt ceiling as part of the package. That would prevent a possible reprise of last summer's infamous debt-limit fight when the nation needs to increase its debt limit again in February or March.Sen. John Cornyn, the newly elected Republican whip, said raising the debt limit as part of an eventual fiscal cliff deal would "make sense."But, he said, echoing earlier remarks from House Speaker John Boehner, the administration's offer as it stands is "totally inadequate."
here's a secret my friends there will never be an adequate in their heads plancoming from the WH unless it's more cuts to you and less to the rich, bank on it.