for the republicans to make the claim of being able to move forward tends to show their acknowledgement that Dems are not like them and would not let the world explode to get their way.
but by no means will Dems allow the extreme right wing dictatorial agenda fraught with all the ridiculous and insane ideas they've promoted.
their idea of working together and compromise is,
Tea Party Senate Candidate Says Compromise Means Democrats Agree With Republicans
not a good recipe for a sit down to resolve our issues, this is tantamount to their last great idea, just say no to everything they want to do, i have a feeling if the worse happens the ball will be in their court more than they want.
"Mitt Romney's fantasy that Senate Democrats will work with him to pass his 'severely conservative' agenda is laughable," Reid said in a statement, referring to Romney's description of his own political leanings during the GOP primaries. "In fact, Mitt Romney's Tea Party agenda has already been rejected in the Senate."
Reid noted that Senate Democrats this year have already shot down a number of proposals Romney has supported on the campaign trail, including GOP efforts to repeal Obama's healthcare reforms, cut taxes on the wealthiest Americans and eliminate the birth-control mandate for most employers.
we would not except because they are wrong and have no interest in helping "we the people" counter cost effective. notice all in that party that are not new are rich newbies on the way with benefits of trickle down bribery, those people do not introduce legislation contrary to that dynamic of staying rich. you have no republican friends.