Friday, November 9, 2012

Mitt Romney's ORCA program couldn't stay afloat

we know they are given to hyperbole and this last couple of weeks were a scramble but this shows as well as other failed plans this guy was never ready for the 3am call.
just like his budget numbers nothing seems to work out.
Mitt Romney’s campaign boasted for the last two weeks that they would outgun President Barack Obama’s team in the Democrats’ area of strength – voter-targeting. They would use a state-of-the-art system called ORCA, named for the killer whale, that cost substantial resources to build over months.
Instead, Romney campaign officials were mostly flying without instruments on election day.
Numerous Republicans in and around the Romney campaign called the ORCA platform a total bust, stranding thousands of volunteers without a way of reporting data back to headquarters and leaving Romney central command without a clear view of developments on the ground.
there they go again leaping before looking how did he ever make it in business?
Three sources described the campaign to POLITICO as “flying blind” on Tuesday in terms of targeting, with ORCA – which had a pricetag of hundreds of thousands of dollars – failing. There was another sizable allocation of funds for emergency robocalls to goose turnout late in the day in key areas identified by ORCA, but those were never put to widespread use.
nothing but bustering, writing checks their butts couldn't cash, selling wolf tickets and the hunter got captured by the game.