Rove nickname turdblossom, wonder why?
"Turd blossom" is a Texan term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung.
remember it's their fantasy emphasis on fantasy.
Republicans have decided that all the available evidence must be wrong and that Mitt Romney is headed for a certain victory next Tuesday. Many expect a landslide win that will rival Reagan’s ten-point victory over Jimmy Carter in 1980. It’s hard to recall another example of an entire political party deluding itself to such a degree that it has lost any connection to objective reality.
Romney can certainly win this election. There is no doubt about that. But he is just as certainly the underdog. Talking-Point Memo’s Poll Tracker currently projects Obama to win 285 Electoral College votes to Romney’s 191 (270 wins the White House); without toss-up states, Real Clear Politics has Obama with 290 Electoral College votes; Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight model gives the incumbent an 80.9 percent likelihood of victory; Sam Wang at the Princeton Election Consortium is even more bullish, projecting 318 Electoral College votes for the president and giving him a 97 percent chance of winning re-election.
this is aimed at those low information voters you know the one's they concentrate on G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the one's you want to concentrate on"
Many conservatives simply refuse to accept this state of affairs. There are two reasons. The party hacks – including those in the Romney campaign – worry about turning out their base. People like to vote for winners, and if they believe their candidate is likely to go down in defeat, they may decide to stay home and do some laundry next Tuesday. They fear that if their candidate looks like he will be beat it can create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Projecting an image of a strong candidate with good momentum keeps their voters engaged and enthusiastic.
running out of the red meat fixes? they have to lie to their base to keep them inline, if you are part of that base within the 47% he doesn't care about, how you feel about yourself now?
more Romney impending defeat
more Romney impending defeat