Bloomberg has been a fierce critic of both President Obama and Romney throughout the 2012 election cycle. He told the New York Times last month that he was more likely to agree with Obama than Romney on issues like climate change, but noted that he had not seen enough "action" from the President."It's nice to be on the side that I think you should be on," Bloomberg said, "but unless you do something, so what?"This endorsement may be Bloomberg's call to action. Obama's second term agenda on climate change is unclear, but many environmentalists argue that the federal Environmental Protection Administration could push aggressive carbon regulations even without congressional approval. And if Obama wins re-election, it will make the issue very difficult for him to continue to downplay as he had in his first term, whose key priorities were the economy and health care.
and therein lies the right wing opposition to the EPA fear of regulation denying them the reckless shortcuts that endanger our live.
Citing the coverage of climate change this week — specifically, Thursday's Bloomberg Businessweek that said, loudly, "It's Global Warming, Stupid" — Kalee Kreider said, "It's a big week on the issue of climate change."
Kreider, a director at Fenton, and a former environmental advisor and communications director to Vice President Al Gore, added that the endorsement "acknowledges that a candidate's position on climate change really is a proxy for leadership."
and the right wing is still saying "if it's warming why is it cool?"