Monday, November 12, 2012

11 Things the "Lame Duck" Congress Might Do

very interesting read i really can't add much except to say stark differences and what exactly was on the minds of those who chose to leave the 9% congress in place. i don't see Reid with a hammer in hand.  he is not trying to bury us that would be Khrushchev and the Tea Party.  
The Violence Against Women Act expired over a year ago. Funnily enough, violence against women hasn't. In April, the Senate passed a version of the bill that extended protections to Native American, immigrant and gay victims, but House Republicans refused to consider it, drafting their own version that would actually scale back the protections under current law. There was talk of this being accomplished before the end of the year, but... that probably won't happen.
just to wet your whistle
The Senate passed its version of the once-every-five-years farm bill in June. The Senate bill reined in farm subsidies a little and cut food stamps by $4.5 billion, but the House bill fell apart after demands by some conservatives to cut food stamps even further. Though the old bill expired in October, a new one may very well be delayed until spring, or lumped into a potential fiscal cliff deal.
getting the idea of what's in store, think a little further down the road, a Romney win, then how would this article read?