Sunday, October 21, 2012

Presidential Tracking Polls Show Post-Debate Uptick For Obama

WASHINGTON -- No one would call it a "surge," but the national tracking polls are beginning to show signs of a slight uptick for President Barack Obama.
The most recent national tracking surveys released as of Saturday continue to produce a mixed result in terms of the nominal leader, although all but one show a relatively close race between Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney. With the exception of the Gallup Daily tracking poll none produces margins for the leader large enough to be considered statistically significant for any individual poll.
However, the most recent releases of five of the six tracking polls show net movement to Obama or away from Romney of between 1 and 4 percentage points compared to results from interviews conducted by each pollster between the first and second presidential debates.
are we beginning to find a cure for Romnesia?
The net effect is barely visible on the national popular vote chart produced by the HuffPost Pollster poll tracking model, which takes all public polls, both national and statewide, into account. As of Saturday evening, the chart shows Obama with a razor-thin margin over Romney (47.2 to 46.8 percent), which represents a gain of just under a half a percentage point over the last six days.
a Win is still a Win you can win if it's only .000003 like the fraud found by Bush with one exception if it's Florida and the stacked scotus finds for their loser Bush.