Monday, August 13, 2012

Romney says campaign will run on his budget plan, not Paul Ryan's

if Romney needs someone else to define his campaign does that by virtue of itself not worthy of "we the people's" vote. who are you voting for to be president Romney or Ryan? shades of Bush Cheyney all over again.

Mitt Romney made it clear Sunday: The new Republican ticket will be running on his budget framework – not the more famous vision crafted by his new running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).
Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, has long praised the budgets Ryan has spearheaded as chairman of the House Budget Committee, and has even said he would have signed the GOP budget into law.
But since Romney tapped Ryan on Saturday, his surrogates have repeatedly said that the presumptive GOP nominee’s own budget ideas would be at the campaign’s forefront.
watch out for the similarities that will be the Romney plan, be vigilant and don't blink.  have you noticed the last two right wing wannabe's at the top of the ticket failed to excite and had to have someone else more of a bling type to get the party juices running in their favor? 
wouldn't it be easier if they just ran Palin and now Ryan at the top and spare us all the crappola of their celebrations of the one they need to hold their nose to vote for. two faced hypocritical acts of who you are really voting for, not Romney or Ryan but a more nefarious back room conglomerate of right wing mover's and shaker's.
Still, the Democrats who fanned out to the Sunday shows made clear that they would devote their energy to tying Romney to the Ryan budget, and its partial privatization of Medicare.
Members of President Obama's campaign team cast the new vice presidential candidate's plan as the "Romney-Ryan" budget on Sunday, as they also attacked Ryan's proposals on taxes and other spending measures.
"I think that it clarifies the choice for the American people," David Axelrod, a top Obama campaign adviser, said about Romney's selection on NBC's "Meet the Press." "And I think it clarifies the choice in a way that is going to be helpful."
the choice is on this, not racially embedded ideologies.