Monday, August 13, 2012

Blacks supporting Chick-Fil-A: Is eating chicken as an expression of religious faith taking things too far?

From Clutch Magazine: The saga that is Chick-fil-A and Christianity vs. the LGBT community and its supporters might be remembered as one of the most complex snapshots of modern society.
It’s a conflagration of hypocrisy, extremism and greed. We have corporate America and its influence on political agendas. We have the narrow scope of religion and its place in civil rights. Perhaps most hilariously and what will be addressed here, are the Christian, black people – emphasis on black – rushing to eat fried chicken to show how righteously they stand against homosexuality and the persecution of poor, misunderstood Dan Cathy.
When Mary J. Blige sang her heart out about “crispy chicken,” some black people rushed to call it “coonery.” [Last week], some of those same people sprinted to get fried chicken from Chick-fil-A and were proud of it. In fact, Facebook was adorned with black folks loving that “chikin,” all to support a man who has no problem employing and serving the LGBT community, as long as he can take their dollars to financially support conservative politicians who view them as second-class citizens.
Even more interesting, and this is where things get real, black support for the Democratic Party, specifically President Barack Obama, has never dropped below 85%. But to gain some heavenly cool points, many of these same people flocked to fatten the pockets of an organization that funnels funds to Republican candidates.
Doesn’t make much sense, does it?
this is shameful and IMO a blow to the moral compass of those who have been discriminated against to support those who discriminate. or was it some of my people perpetrating stereotypes?
in this time in history where it's about to possibly repeat itself, we have those not thinking of tomorrow but of free chicken today. i hate this, are we back to advancing one step then a-holes take us back 4? history forget it,  it will repeat but when it does it will more likely bite you where the sun don't shine. recognize.