A report of an FBI interview with the lead detective investigating the shooting death of Trayvon Martin suggests that within the Sanford police department, the question of whether to arrest George Zimmerman for the killing broke down along racial lines.Investigator Chris Serino, who interviewed Zimmerman multiple times and ultimately filed a “capias” request suggesting manslaughter charges against Zimmerman, wrote in that request that his investigation concluded that Zimmerman followed Martin, 17, on the evening of February 26th because he “reached a faulty conclusion as to Martin’s purpose for being in the neighborhood” where Zimmerman and his wife rented a townhome. The capias was filed with the Seminole County State Attorney on March 13th.The day before, police chief Bill Lee held a press conference in which he insisted that the department lacked probable cause to arrest Zimmerman. Then on March 16th, the same day the city released 911 calls from neighbors on the night of the shooting, Lee and Serino sat down with a local newspaper and insisted that not only did they lack cause to arrest Zimmerman, but would have violated his constitutional rights under Florida’s Stand Your Ground law had they arrested him for shooting Martin to death.What changed in the 24 hours between the department’s official stance that there was no evidence Zimmerman committed a crime, and the filing of that capias the next day has been an ongoing question in the case. Now, a report of an interview that federal investigators conducted with Serino nearly a month after the filing sheds new light on what Serino believed was at work.“Serino is concerned that many of the leaks in this case are coming from within the Sanford Police Department,” the FBI report states. Serino reportedly named the officers he believed were behind the leaks: officers Arthur Barnes, Trekell Perkins and Rebecca Villalona. Barnes and Perkins are black. Villalona is white, but is married to an African-American. Serino is Cuban-American.Perkins is the officer who took the statement of Witness 9, a woman who claimed to know Zimmerman and his family, and who accused Zimmerman of being racist, and “hating black people.” Neither Villalona nor Barnes were involved in the Zimmerman investigation.
well now it's the Black officer's and one White who is married to a Black man, in Fla. guess that's guilt by association, who are causing all the problems by allegedly leaking info. IMO leaks occur when there is something to hide. all this jibber jabber Trayvon is dead shot by zimmerman, and they are worried about violating his rights to kill a Black man he profiles, follows, confronts after setting up the "stand your ground" crap of a law, saying he's up to no good, he's coming to me, he has his hand in his waist band, what was he doing storing his candy and tea in his underwear so he could assault Zimmerman, who was getting out of his car and pursuing him how can that happen one cancels out the other, and we know he stalked Trayvon so seems pretty obvious who's lying.
is this further misdirection by a proven liar's defense. let's see Black guy dead, White police botch the arrest, the public finds out, and again the Black officers and one guilt by association leaked it. wonder how that plays with the people?