This week, the Senate passed a plan that I proposed a few weeks ago to protect middle class Americans and virtually every small business owner from getting hit with a big tax hike next year – a tax hike of $2,200 for the typical family.Now it comes down to this: If 218 Members of the House vote the right way, 98% of American families and 97% of small business owners will have the certainty of knowing that that their income taxes will not go up next year.After last week's moving remarks by the president in the wake of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, this morning President Obama turned back to urging policy prescriptions in his weekly address, advocating for passage of tax-cut extensions for the middle class and letting the upper-income levels revert to pre-Bush tax cut rates.Too bad Republicans are obstructing those middle-class tax cuts:Everyone in Washington says they agree on this. Everyone says they agree that we should extend the tax cuts for the middle class. When Democrats and Republicans agree on something, it should be pretty easy to get it done.But right now, that’s not the case. Instead of doing what’s right for middle class families and small business owners, Republicans in Congress are holding these tax cuts hostage until we extend tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.Interestingly, it was not only Congressional Republicans coming under fire in the address; campaign season is upon us, and there is a very specific Republican leader being targeted as well:You see, Republicans in Congress and their nominee for President believe that the best way to create prosperity in America is to let it trickle down from the top. They believe that if our country spends trillions more on tax cuts for the wealthy, we’ll somehow create jobs – even if we have to pay for it by gutting things like education and training and by raising middle-class taxes.They’re wrong. [Emphasis added]Why are they wrong, you ask? Been there, tried it, it failed. Let's let go of stale ideas, America!
"we the people know that the rich are the favorites for the right wing. so there should be no surprise that they were for it before they against it. do you think it has anything to do with the Pres.'s involvement?
We can’t afford more top-down economics. What we need are policies that will grow and strengthen the middle class; that will help create jobs, make education and training more affordable, and encourage businesses to start up and stay right here in the United States.
That’s why I’ve cut middle-class taxes every year that I’ve been President – by $3,600 for the typical family. That’s why I’ve cut taxes for small businesses eighteen times. And that’s why I’m calling on 218 Members of the House to do their job and not raise taxes on the middle class.
As soon as they pass that bill, I’ll sign it right away.
so what the fuss?