Friday, July 6, 2012

The Mother of All Vote-Suppression Tactics?
If the GOP prevails in the Sunshine State on November 6, it won't be because of hanging chads—though there have been plenty of issues with Florida's paperless digital machines. Instead, it might owe something to Gov. Rick Scott's now infamous voter and the restrictive new voting laws Florida passed last year. Or the fact that about a million voting-age Floridians will be sitting on their hands this Election Day—permanently stricken from the voting rolls because they were once convicted of a felony.
Among the GOP's myriad strategies to suppress the vote of people considered more likely to vote Democrat—many of them detailed by Kevin Drum and others in —felony disenfranchisement laws may be the biggest bonanza of all for Republican candidates. The United States incarcerates more of its citizens than another other nation. Some 2.3 million Americans are now in prison or jail, with millions more on parole or probation—together, according to a 2009 study, they account for , most of whom would otherwise be eligible to vote.
The Supreme Court has ruled on the issue twice. In 1974, it determined that denying felons the right to vote was an "affirmative sanction" allowable under the 14th Amendment. A decade later, the justices struck down a provision of the 1901 Alabama constitution that prohibits from voting any individual convicted of "any crime involving moral turpitude"—not because it disenfranchised a large portion of the population, but because the provision reflected "purposeful racial discrimination."
the right wing political org. shows nothing but disdain for the American justice system, they ignore till American's  through hate or ignorance re-elect them then all the promise's they used to suck them in go out the window, and the real agenda takes the front row seat, it ain't pretty. you need look no further back then 2010. do the right wing voter's even know they were shafted?  we should ask them if they are better off then they were 2 yrs. ago when their party promised and still promising jobs, jobs, jobs and gave them nothing but blaming Obama for their obstructions.
where is the noise, are we just going to sit back and expect the Pres. to take care of this for us? or is this the time to get involved and remember he said "yes we can" not "yes i can" if you ignore you have no one to blame, it belongs to those who did _________________.