Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid criticized Mitt Romney for his behavior during his trip to London.
WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney embarrassed the United States, and himself, by going to London and insulting the British in advance of the Olympics, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Thursday evening."It's not good for us as a country -- it's not good for him -- but as a country to have somebody that's nominated by one of the principal parties to go over and insult everybody," Reid said.Romney, who takes great pride in heading the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, caused a media sensation Thursday when he said there were "disconcerting" signals that the British might not be prepared for the coming games.Reid, in an interview with The Huffington Post, said he didn't understand how Romney could have made such a blunder, and had advice for the GOP hopeful the next time he visits an Olympic Games.
i wonder i know the right wing is good at letting a lesser contributor to take the glory, so it begs to question, Romney had never as his words been to a Olympic Game. so how is it he can run it when his acumen is business not the nuts and bolts of putting together such a spectacle as that, again in his own words, questioning London's preparedness. so it seems he bought a lot of help with those truckloads of money he got from the "GOV'T". easy to say yes or no when you have a room full of advisers telling you which way to go. so did Romney un the Salt Lake Olympics or did his advisers, making him just a right wing yes man, curiously silular to Romney of today? just sayin'.
a fraud is just as incompetent by any other name, or surname.