Thursday, July 12, 2012

Eric Holder vows to aggressively challenge voter ID laws

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Tuesday vowed to be “aggressive” in challenging voting laws that restrict minority rights, using a speech in Texas to make his case on the same day a federal court was considering the legality of the state’s new voter ID legislation.
“Let me be clear: We will not allow political pretexts to disenfranchise American citizens of their most precious rights,” Holder said in the speech to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. “I can assure you that the Justice Department’s efforts to uphold and enforce voting rights will remain aggressive.”
this is what i'm talking about it is breaking not only the progressive vote but constitutional law. while the right again tries to change the narrative and shift it to the Pres.
The Justice Department in March blocked the Texas law, which was signed by Perry in May 2011, contending that it would violate the 1965 Voting Rights Act and disproportionately harm Hispanic voters.
for a party that is suppose to be so conscious of the money spent, they are racking up quite a bill for all their useless attempts in court and out to disfranchise the ethnic voters, any othe name is just as egregious and illegal.
this is in "we the people's" face and a middle finger extended toward the law and everything they claim they are for. people subscribing to their politics are just as guilty as the politicians, birds of a feather, contrive to take our rights and steal the election, together.