The Root) -- Mitt Romney has elevated the tactics of pandering, flip-flopping and endless reinvention to a level of high art -- or vaudeville.The presumptive Republican presidential nominee has long been accused oflacking "core" values. This assessment of Romney's dubious character has come from those on both the left and the right of the political spectrum. Obama political adviser David Axelrod told CBS News in March: "There is a sense there is no core to him."Republican Jon Huntsman concurred: "When you combine a record of uncertainty -- running first [for] senator as a liberal, governor as a moderate, then as a conservative for the presidency -- people wonder where your core is."And after a relatively well-received speech on Wednesday to the NAACP, Romney proved what we already knew: The mirror has two faces. The former Massachusetts governor started by pandering only slightly, complimenting the organ music and appearing to identify with the soulful sounds. His demeanor appeared humble as he thanked the leaders and audience for their reception. The speech included quotes and references to the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass and former NAACP Executive Director Benjamin Hooks.Romney made a bold proclamation: "If you want a president who will make things better in the African-American community, you're looking at him." Comments like that were met with booing and were seen by many in the audience as a slight to President Obama, who retains high approval ratings among black voters. Yet Romney stood his ground and vowed to repeal "Obamacare," which he called "nonessential" and "expensive."
how do you redeem yourself after that by reminiscing about your father, who you fell miles away from that tree.
"He's saying, 'Look here, I met with the Negroes. I talked to them. I argued my positions. I don't think they took them, but at least I showed up."
if he thinks doing what he did as a positive then he is more out of touch then first thought.
And herein lies the rub, because within hours of leaving the convention, Romney proved Bond's intuition correct. According to a pool report, at a fundraiser in Montana later Wednesday night, Romney told a conservative crowd that he didn't mind the booing. "I had the privilege of speaking today at the NAACP convention in Houston ... when I mentioned I'm going to get rid of Obamacare, they weren't happy ... that's OK," he said. "You remind them of this: If they want more stuff from government, tell them to go vote for the other guy -- more free stuff. But don't forget, nothing is really free."
he might as well quoted Trump and said he "has a good relationship with the Blacks, how rude, crude and white can you be?
he is no better then the outright race in your face people of his party. i am hoping and praying for felony charges, we don't need to leave this guy a chance in hell of getting within miles of 1600 PENN. AVE. NW WASHINGTON, DC 20500.