Monday, June 4, 2012

Worker's taxes siphoned off by their bosses

"Good Jobs First, a non-profit, non-partisan research center, has analyzed state programs meant to create jobs, but instead have created some $700 million a year in corporate welfare. This scam starts with the normal practice of corporations withholding from each employee's monthly check the state income taxes their workers owe. But rather than remitting this money to pay for state services, these 16 states simply allow the corporations to keep the tax payments for themselves! Adding to the funkiness of taxation-by-corporation, the bosses don't even have to tell workers that the company is siphoning off their state taxes for its own fun and profit".

this is an appeal to conservative voter's, is your party affiliation more important then the country and your family's well being financially and health wise?

this is an appeal to progressive voter's, don't lament on the possible right wing take over, don't Obama bash, he can't do anything by himself, "no man is an island, unto himself". remember he said "yes we can " not "yes i can". we already have a declared house of not representing "we the people" do we really need to turn on ourselves? like those agenda driven Black's that are just "DINO's", supporting corporation's to further their career's, which don't include "we the people", just those with the bucks. didn't we use to call that SELLING OUT?

we need to be the more politically aware of what's offered by them as oppose to what is offered but blocked by them. just imagine if the right had passed the Pres.'s work program how many jobs would be filled now, right now. feeling safe riding across a bridge in Ohio. or more of Beohner screaming, "hell no you can't", keeping their promise not to help the Pres. and by default not helping "we the people " either.

sniper capitalist are not the fair minded equally concerned for all, not willing to always willing to err on the side of corporational interest. i've said it before ultra rich should not hold the reins of gov't, they will never introduce or past legislation that will hurt their elite status, especially when their party is inclined to take it from "we the people". please click title