Romney wants to spending and corral the Pres. deficit increase's, but something doesn't add up, thought he was good with money?
no jobs plan? does Romney only listen to Fox? because that's really misinformation or is he just lying again? why is he not telling us how many jobs would have been filled had they not blocked every bill the Pres. gave them. "it's on video tape stupid"
twisting the truth is lying to "we the people" does such a person with no regard to his alleged religious beliefs, cares less that he is misleading voter's. would Romney be more accurate if he just said "facts we don't need no stinkin' facts" they have the stirred up confused by years of being concentrated on base to run with anything said and chisel it in stone regardless to it's inaccuracy, bet they use up a lot of chisels and stones.
weather vain speak depends on who you are and what you can do for him. his ads show a person in reality not the Romney that the facts expose him to be. bragging about doing his job? and not a good job done by him, audacity?
the real question is will we allow them to buy the Presidency again?
this is our vote to win and their lie and acceptance of those untruths to beat us. what are we going to do?