Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mitt Romney Diversity Efforts: Real or Fake Concern?

Last week presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney's campaign caravan rolled up to the Universal Bluford Charter School in West Philadelphia. He used the occasion to talk with cherry-picked black school administrators, community leaders and teachers about education reform. In many ways, it was Romney's official introduction to urban America.
With the cameras rolling, the former prep school bully and Bain Capital CEO sat around a long table, rattling off accomplishments in education during his stint as Massachusetts governor. Then he hopped back onto his bus and rode past the hecklers ("It’s nice that he decided this late in his time to see what a city like Philadelphia is about…it's May," said Philadelphia mayor and Obama supporter Michael Nutterlater), the rambling old houses and the liquor stores and back to the world of golf. The next day, the Romney campaign announced that it had hired Tara Wall, a conservative news commentator, as a senior communications adviser to handle outreach to African Americans.
this is Romney's idea of "how you understand the Black commuity and their plight". who's zoomin' who?  wonder who he impressed and felt like they wanted to run out and vote for him right now! thinly veiled effort to BS the people, wonder who many times he had to change his pants, while showing his concern for, yes even "we the people of color", Mr Romney goes to Philly playing at a theater near you, rumblings of comedy of the year Oscar.
you just can't crap on so called minorities your entire life then when you realize they are the real majority you can't get your nose up there to soon even if only for a few minutes at a time. remember he dose not care about the poor. does this mean that his mind change will allow fo him to do better legislating in these communities? yes it will round about every election year. clean off the fake and you've got false scrape that and you end up with phony, three strikes and you're read.