"In Tallahassee, a federal judge has blocked state elections officials from enforcing tough restrictions on groups that conduct voter registration drive"s.
"And in Washington, the Justice Department has sent a letter to Florida telling it to immediately halt efforts to purge from the voting rolls people suspected of being noncitizens".
this is good, this is late but still good. i don't know what took so long and what about the other right wing states that are disenfranchising voters of the progressive persuasion. seems if you hear there's only 0.00003% of fraud and they start a nationwide suppression of a particular group to vote constitutionally, i would be diggin up Elliot Ness, couldn't trust J. Edgar, wondering about Holder. but again this is good.
had no idea Fla was so right wing oriented, you would think it being a retirement state that the Pres.'s agenda would be just what their doctors ordered. are they just old and confused or old and racist? please click title