Saturday, June 2, 2012

GOP plans to call attention to healthcare law with tax repeal votes next week

"Democrats argue the GOP effort is nakedly political and timed for the Supreme Court decision, which is expected this month. On Friday, Romney criticized Obama’s handling of the economy, arguing the nation would be creating more jobs if Obama had not focused on healthcare in 2009 and 2010".

if he had not how many would still be subjected to the will of ins. co. and their right wing sponsors. i don't feel as positive as i would like to, we have right wing obstruction to denying over half the country Affordable Healthcare, convincing their base they don't need healthcare they already have it "the ER" and soon the marvelous voucher plan according to Romney.

you still can be kicked off because of prior conditions, your kid God forbid if they are going to college will have not only a monstrous bill but full ins. cost, by the time the Ryan plan rapes their life before it starts. this sounds like the last ten years and you can look out the window and see what that did for us.

how many would be working above the 4 million mark he created in spite of the right. had republicans not declared cold war on the first Black Pres. and sign the work legislation the last year and a half there would be know unemployment debacle. if you want to lay blame you have the entire pledge signing, long live the rich, right wing party that fits the bill perfectly. please click title