Thursday, May 24, 2012

With his eye on 2013 majority, McConnell lets Boehner lead -

IMO the right leaders seem to view their jobs and our country's future as a board game which as all board games winner and loser is dependent on skill. luck of the draw. do you envision you and your family as pieces on a chess board or the shoe on a monopoly board?

they are playing game with our lives and the terrible thing about that is "we the people" are not even the object of the game. that being the positioning of their cohorts to throughout the years to come we will be the pawns of power plays that position them to repeat on our grandchildren. if we ignore the history of this right wing party they will continue to deliver that illegal rabbit punch to "we the people" sorry copy paste

remember one thing every right wing talking head even when proven wrong and lying use this asinine Cheshire cat grin and inane laugh, nervous laugh i mean what idiot laughs when he's seen as a liar or just duped into repeating verbatim that which every other one in lock step does. no thought just a chorus line of deceitful persons, reading a TelePrompter of Roger Ailes lie de jour. is McConnell setting Beohner of for the fall? does make you go hmmmm. please click title