why is this going this way. if people choose to discriminate against someone who lives differently then they do, how does that effect the hater is their hate what cause's them the turmoil? what does it do to their family values if they are as strong as they like to think.
i don't think they are that strong and it's evidenced by this fear and hate toward those who live differently, the reason's are IMO convenient, they are compressed by so called leaders allowing the one's who hate to just say they do under a collective reason that all of that group agree on religion. how many other things are against religion and are over looked let alone discussed at all?
Catholic women 98% have used B C, priest molest kids ok just pay 'em off send him somewhere else to molest. most other religions incest thieves in the temple adultery. religion of the organized kind is just a way to circumvent the laws of God to suit what the worshiper's want to get away with. this would not be as loud in the media if the right wing had not pressed it, does that make them saviors' or hateful instigator's?
why are their so many religions? is it that this one believes that and does not allow this, so other religions are ok with it so you go to that one. if they all claim God as their central figure why do you need so many different ways to get there?
just like politics all claim their love for the country but have different ways and results for getting there. one helps all and is fair minded the other is the topic of this seed hateful repressive, racist, backstabbing and only care about those that can give them something for their vote. people need to stop and look and listen before they bandwagon, your soul could depend on it.
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