what does the world think when they hear "America"? anything you would be proud of? we are at near bottom of the worldwide ratings in things like education, healthcare and the republican's just keep on perpetuating this atrocity while claiming how great "their" America is.
“Austerity” implies a government sector that’s on short rations, with programs being scrapped, and government workers being laid off".
the right keeps talking about their focus on jobs, just neglecting to say that it is what they've accused the Pres. of killing jobs, they will not even with "video tape" admit to what your lying eyes are seeing them doing. reverse psychology only works when you have a valid point in your reversal.
"So far in FY2012, the federal government has spent about 0.8 percent less than it did for the comparable period last year".
can this be true the right wing has been telling American's of the trillions the Pres. is spending, that sounds like the voter fraud evidence .000003%. such minute amounts the right seem to make a mountain out of a ant hill, deceitful and misleading "YES"
the best way to identify the right wing exaggerations, it starts with "this president", and always ends with what they intend to kill and reduce the very things "we the people" were promised as American's. please click title