Sunday, May 20, 2012

American Jihad?

this is a very serious problem we have here with those who in their minds have a legitimate reason to turn against America, but are they rebelling against America or America's politic's? discontent breeds the perfect subjects for this kind of concentrated on efforts, if one is already over the hill with their feelings and thoughts,

then you only need reach out with one hand to pull them up and over, but who's hand gets their first your's or the recruit for something unthinkable?

this guys story is not IMO precautionary in respect to those kid in those situations will run off and become a traitor to their country. however neglect and indifference to your offspring can have it's consequences. those who think not my kid are the ones more ripe for losing that kid n today's world of who knows what. disown at your own peril, you could be fostering the next American Jihadist!
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