forgive me for presenting this ugliness on this Holy day but these things are detrimental to all of our lives. i reiterate is the right trying to instigate a civil war in 2012 America? right wing total give away of guns and carry permits and now we see Black men being gun down in the street.
Before their arrests, police cautioned that there was no evidence a hate crime had been committed. "There's a very logical theory that would say that that's what it could be," Tulsa police chief Chuck Jordan said on Saturday. "But I'm a police officer. I've got to go by evidence."
"For a white male to come that deep into that area and to start indiscriminately shooting, that lends itself for many to believe that it probably was a hate crime," Rev. Warren Blakney, a local pastor, told CNN.
"You have somebody white who has come into a community and taken shots at, killing black people" Jack Henderson, a city councilman, told the cable network. "To me, that would indicate that we have some kind of a racial problem."
i guess blocking the vote by unconstitutional voter blocking wasn't taking out enough of the progressive vote, so now they are killing off as a way to lower the voter turn out. stealing and election is Hitleress in execution making it a trademark of the right extreme, you know all the swastika's, Hitler mustache's flais it open season on Black men? why was England's father shot by this Black man? gs their t-party waves around, some kind of sick love for all things Nazi. America be vigilant the elephant dung is really starting to stink up the atmosphere.
is it open season on Black men? why was England's father shot by this Black man? what was the motivator for the shooting judging yes judging by England's statement "shot by a f'n n___r" what was pop doing or saying that ended him. was it "SELF DEFENSE" or does that only work for certain ethnicity's?