take a good look at this article and i defy you to rationally say that the republican will stand with you and your needs poor or so called minority. we need to recognize that we the "so called minority" are really the majority and if they can keep driving the hate agenda the reality will go unnoticed. Romney still on page 1 of the Rove playbook blame the Pres. for your own indiscretions.
look at who still since '08 feel they have to lie and commit constitutional felonies, voter blocking of those pesky voter frauds like their WMD, falsely discredit, throw transparent mud and who doesn't have to because the truth and facts of record are all that is needed, for a person capable of reason and in possession of their own thought's. the right follows GW Bush's philosophy, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the one's you want to concentrate on", so far it works for them after all it's been in development since the Nixon era. you remember him famously saying, "i am not a crook". please click title
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8UyFCVOGKI sorry need to copy paste