this is a expression of my personal thoughts as well as an observance of what I as a Vietnam Vet sees the United States that I fought for 48 years ago was and is returning to those dark times I am worried!!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
right is still fighting the non war
i would normally think who would believe the BS they are denyin about their denial of the non war on women are they mistaking this like those disappearing WMD's not there. evidently their base is as let's say "loyal" as they programmed them to be. fortunately there are probably more women on both sides that are not buying the rhetoric, but according to Romney all they need to do is "start talking about the economy" now repeat that to yourself 3 times. now let's start means they have not been talking about the economy and like an Etch a Sketch all is wiped clean and you no longer need worry about all the attacking we've done and will do after you elect us, but they have they've told us how bad it is and he can fix America's boo boo. talking about, means just that talking about it's not offering how to with provable tactics. saying anything is talking loud and saying nothing. please click title