your exception to my thought is noted. if you feel you are in the exception to this rule i except that since there always are some. but indifference is the number one enabler, smug attitude such as, again not doubting your claim to exception, "it's not me i never say or unfortunately do anything to make things better".
as to union's being just as bad as the corps, as with those corps is where policy is promoted and implemented, not with the millions who belong. right does not like it because it is a regulatory faction that calls accountable those policy makers who are guilty of cutting corner's, and in many case's gutting their worker's. like the governing bodies of many major populations, but not all, the head is the perpetrator of evil doing in the name of the almighty dollar, millions of member's don't join union's for political advantage but for someone to watch their backs.
painting them with a broad brush means as the union you are typically saying the union and it's member's are crooked, just amplifying the ambivalence and allowing for those to point and claim "it wasn't me" right because the status quo would be disrupted and the rich continue to dominate the rest and all's well in Mudville. but it's not, that give a damn attitude disenfranchise's millions who happen to be the right wing target de jour, middle class and progressive leaning voters. by vilifying the unions they send the signal to their concentrated on base that unions are bad, and immediately set about trying to dismantle against public outcry unions.
then the out right and equally as egregious voter fraud you know like WMD's they just can't take a chance that, that .00003% out of millions will commit fraud what they, don't tell them is it's bad for corps, and they're really there for you as the watchdogs of those who would usurp you rights to clean good working conditions and reasonable pay for service's rendered, without fear of death.
so as the exception looks like those persons are not really so much different then the rest of us at our various stations in life. while gutting a major block of voter organization and progressive vote's so they can steal another election. demonizing is just another episode of the skulduggery that permeates the right wing and their trying to unleash it on "we the people", those who take exception to unions are collusive to the treachery and constitutional law breaker's that is the republican party. no link just me again