Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Grassley in need of hooked on phonics

has the ofc of the Pres. been so demeaned by our having a Black Pres. or is it right wing racist agenda in full bloom? someone needs to break his tweeter. never has there been so much hate and vitriol displayed against a sitting Pres. could it be because there was never a Black Pres. maybe? this pass 3 1/2 years has really opened eye's to what the republicans are really all about, they've allowed their hate to permeate the air waves so completely that it's a backfire and all future atrocity's shine brightly on their one sided plan for America. if you disrespect the office how can you serve with out that same contempt for the place you trashed for four years and continue with your own skulduggery which is what really demeans the ofc. republican's no longer qualify as legitimate leaders they only get lead not leading.