Sunday, March 25, 2012

Trayvon Martin shooting: White House senior adviser calls Santorum, Gingrich reaction to Obama's 'If I had a son' comments 'reprehensible'

"Is the president suggesting if it had been a white who had been shot, that would be OK because it wouldn't look like him?" Gingrich said Friday on Sean Hannity's radio show. "That's just nonsense. I mean, dividing this country up, it is a tragedy this young man was shot."

"What the president of the United States should do is try to bring people together, not use these types of horrible and tragic individual cases to try to drive a wedge in America," Santorum said.

aside from the absurdity of their comments, there are those in their base that are just waiting for some sort of red herring to get the national thought away from Trayvon by once again implying our beloved Pres is a racist. this in contrast to the Pres. shows a give a damn about the Trayvon and an effort to again attempt to change the discourse to an unfavorable view of the Pres. as many that mourn are as many that need to voice their rebuking of right wing attempt to force a different dialog devoid of the murderous truth of this whole encounter with a racist killer. as far as Santorum America is a wedge by virtue of their claims of the greatest country on earth. i as a Vietnam vet wholeheartedly disagree be safe God Bless please click title