this is a expression of my personal thoughts as well as an observance of what I as a Vietnam Vet sees the United States that I fought for 48 years ago was and is returning to those dark times I am worried!!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
is it still open season on Black men?
this is not coming off as the legit shooting in their eyes , more like a hit. the 911 tape alone is IMO more then enough for them to put Zimmerman on the ground and cuff him. or is this just a slap on the back good shoot. Fla. is cloaked in right wing conspiracy, 2004 bring back memories? why is there an effort to delay investigation is this just policy there, see one shoot one. Reverse situation he would have been lynched before he got off the block. is a armed by the right wing, citizenry on the hunt? is the south rising again? the most glaring part of this murder is the arrogant denial and refusal to investigate. with evidence like the other witnesses have made and his refusal to cease and desist his hunt by police. if there is not an effort to force the legal arrest that should have happened at the site of the homicide. republican silence is a green light to the base crazies. please click title