is this another dismissal of homicidal and rapist responsibility? women being raped for what they wore, so it was their fault. for generations younger male and female endured prejudiced views because of hair style or clothes. it's just those who write and rewrite the laws to exonerate themselves or other's guilty of taking liberties. on the women issue really another effort to control and excuse their lecherous thoughts that manifest into felonies. these radical epithet's they apply is designed to stereotype and thereby give reason to pass judgement on another, qualifying the "they deserved what they got" that then dehumanizes a whole other group of people making them potential victims. mans effort to lessen his responsibility for the crimes they commit. then they had to outright discriminate when people of other ethnic and persuasions were able to use it also. no matter what they trumpet this is not the country the right has brainwashed their constituency into believing it is. Bush "they hate us for our freedom" there is no freedom just star spangled racist trying to suppress the other half of the country. kinda hard to claim moral superiority when the entire world can on a daily base's see the same thing that they are under, tyranny, disrespect for women, starving the people of their rights and health care and the their water carrier's are in that bunch as well but so full of vitriol they can't feel the warmth of that laser sight on the back of their own heads.
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