if i am ok with my politicians lying, violating rights and most egregious, lying to the base that supports them. but those that know they lie and commit crimes against the people (voter blocking) and still cheer are no better a person then the people they support. they are complicit and guilty by association before and after the fact. if you can ignore the constitution and get all giddy when you hear some racist inhumane statement from those who suppose to represent you, does that make you the proverbial bird of a feather flocking together? does it also make you a discriminating, questionable religious ideology subscriber?(hate doctrine) racist agenda as your mantel.
unfortunately for the right there is so much media available to the people to know what stinks and what doesn't. the right is trying to collaterally start a religious war along with the one on women now, just to get rid of the Black guy. they do love their wars, do you? this ladies and gentlemen is the face of fear. God Does Not Like Ugly. click title